Big Tasty - Lime Cola Libre 100ml
Big Tasty - Lime Cola Libre 100ml
Lime Cola Libre e-liquid is a beverage blend mimicking the popular Cuban cocktail. A sugary and fizzy cola flavour provides the base of the vape, complemented by a zesty twist of lime for a balanced e-liquid.
These e-liquids have a 70% VG blend, perfect for large cloud creation without diminishing flavour when used with a sub ohm vape kit or tank.
The Juiced Series is from UK e-liquid manufacturer The Big Tasty, with this range focussing on layered fruity beverage flavours.
70% VG / 30% PG
Designed For Sub Ohm Vaping
Made In The UK
Childproof Cap
Tamper Evident Seal
Recyclable Bottle